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Added home page. Changed network routing.
Adjusted market sells from 75% to 40% return.
fixed isnumeric bug
fixed build bug
added clear slider inputbox value on inputbox focus and other slider behavior
added defaulthome server  90sec poller for server status updates
fixed server packet sequencer message error
extended ajax timeout to default
changed atomic strike to full page with target data
added researchadjust add xxx to level up cell change to clikable to set slider to that amount if avail
add dblclik slidebar for expand compress range for needed sliders (Martket trade, atomics selector in strike and combat) allowing for needed low end resolution - dbltap left side to decrease slider range or right to increase selection range - hash mark idicates current range%
changed standard military ops capability from 12 to 10
changed initial milsettings levels
changed initial research priorities

upgraded compiler
fixed planet value calculator
increased loss potential especially for exhausted forces plus other combat tweeks
decreased penalty ops amounts for coversion fail - return to old model
increased combat effect on defender rediness
adjusted race bonus/penalties for better balance especially Soulon and Drak
decreased new rebel forces composition
added troop production output control
unused troop production will be converted to supply @ 2 for 1
seperated military settings from production settings
added embedded mailer to server
fixed mail routing
Quick change to Soulon Race to better reflect intended scheme.
-Changed resource file load method
-swapped desert and volcanic resource productions
-adjusted Soulon traits
-Added nuclear attack survivability adjustments - Heavy Troops +60%, Shock +10%, Sheild +83%
-Heavy modifications to nuke and combat calculators - Larger strikes can be performed, and improved chances for matched forces while limiting gains. All strikes are more effective.
lowered score penalty for plt damage
fixed penetrator strike damage
-fixed shield logo in news
-set dead players to 0 value
-tech bonus for ops earn generation reduced
-added Carrier ops earn bonus per carrier +2.5% each - refer to bonus list
- added Carrier max ops bonus per carrier +2.5% each
-Carrier count display in user status (plt siege / total)
- msie temp fixes for histogram positioning and tap slider indicators
- increase send aid slider limit
- increase plunder returns
- rebel force creation now reflects planet develop level
-added swipe gestures for map control eg swip left /right /up / down to move maps
- added online indicator (lil green dot next to name)
- fixed number abbreviator
- modified/ changed/ added some news graphics and display glitches
- added max user ops calculations and updated converter
- milreview page now shows available / maximum ops and reserve ops
-fixed version update infinite cycling in msie
-add online indicator to map planet info popup
-fixed slider handle icons in milsettings page
-fixed unresponsive Nuke Release button
-limit transport capacity limits per operation...note changes to include
palace max capacity set at 10000, carrier at 5000, will combine if both present
unit types have load value / fuel cost...
regular troops =1, hvy trps=2, shock=2, shield=10 and nuke strikers =1 per atomic
note that palace transport capacity is relative to plt develop level with a minimum of 10%
Reserve autodeployments are limited to '1 load' of capacity max each
Important to note that the only affect to the end users client is the increase in ops cost of transfers and are reflected in 'ops cost' window.

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